The view from the top always looks beautiful

The view from the top always looks beautiful. From the top of a mountain, you can breath in the sights of the world below while enjoying the fruits of your labour from the climb you have just completed. On the ground is reality – the day to day hustle bustle of everyday life. From the bottom looking up, you know it will be beautiful and relaxing, but you also know that the climb has to be planned, scheduled, and carried out. And, when you get to the top and you are looking down, the view is great… but, you also know that the busyness of everyday life is exhausting.

No one really wants to lose the feeling from the top just like no one really wants to do the work to climb in the first place. That is why the windfall is always so appealing – success without the effort. This is also why a slow decline can be stressful. With a mountain climb, it is easier to follow a path around the mountain than it is to go straight up. And, with money, it is easier to plan and implement a sideways plan for financial independence than it is to go straight up. And, it is easier and less stressful to build a path that meanders up the mountain and stays there than it is to receive a windfall, and have to watch it dwindle away as you deplete the money through spending.

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