Are You Stalled Out?

Will power and self discipline alone will not accomplish any significant goal whether it is business, health, fitness, finance or other personal desire. Having a good idea and a plan will certainly provide you with a foundation to start towards your goal, however, in life, any great accomplishment will come with hills and valleys and plateaus. Hills will require extra effort, valleys will be lonely and you will question your belief in yourself and your goal. You will be faced with decisions to continue or to quit. But, plateaus are where many dreams or even small goals are lost. The initial excitement has warn off; the adrenaline for the hill climb is not pulling you through; and you are just going through the motions – this is the plateau. And, this is why will power and self discipline alone are not sufficient to carry out your significant goals.

What is the answer? It is – to start where you are; review or make a commitment, analyze your values and priorities, then take the small step to get yourself back into motion. This small step can be as simple as rewriting your goal. Then, stand up and start doing the next small thing to get you moving – this can be scheduling an action step or making a phone call, anything that gets / keeps the ball rolling.

Recognize when you are plateauing, and do not attempt to jump ahead too far or be content to wait for something to happen. Take control in bite-size manageable pieces.


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