Not All Debt is Bad

Not all debt is bad. When you distinguish between credit used to fund the purchase of something that will increase your wealth and debit created for disposable items, you are empowering yourself to make informed financial decisions.

Why is referring to credit use as “bad” keeping you locked in debt? Judgments like this will translate back to yourself and you will end up feeling like you are a bad person with no discipline or self-control. This sort of language and self-talk will end up creating a self-fulfilling prophecy – unless you can learn to turn your view around and use the debt as an opportunity to reflect on past expenditures you have made. Things to consider are: Why was the expenditure made? How much was spent? Over what time period were the expenditures made? What can you do about it? And, at the same time, always show gratitude for all the enjoyment you have received from the items and experiences that were purchased on credit and have created the debt. Look for ways to turn the debt into credit that will up your financial position.

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