Are you sabotaging your own success? 

Are you sabotaging your own success? Yes. Seriously. Everyone wants to, and should be, rewarded for their efforts. When it comes to money, you work hard for it and want to make sure you are making wise decisions that will provide you with rewards that give you a sense of accomplishment and well-being. Unfortunately, what happens is that throughout our life we make decisions, have experiences and learn ways to make decisions that might not be supportive of positive results. If you have lost money, for example, you likely learn to be more cautious or sceptical, perhaps even fearful in your future decisions. Your justification would be that you don’t want to get hurt again. This same process can happen if you have ever lost a job and your sense of self-worth is injured. Throughout life, we all have experiences that either reinforce a positive outcome, fearful intimidation, or scepticism. These attitudes affect the way we interact with our money and with other people. Ultimately, your attitudes are shaped, and how you think determines what you say, what you do, and therefore the results you get.

Because we are talking about how you think, we are really talking about what you believe. So, the questions you have to slowly become aware of are about what limitations you are putting on your decisions. Are you saying things like, “that’s not realistic”, or “I can’t”, or “if I had…”.
When you look at your situation, do you think it is impossible or will take a miracle to turn things around? If so, then will you do things, learn things, talk to people, ask questions, etc. to create a miracle? Or, will you let impossible determine your results. These small decisions do not have to be complicated, they can be as simple as deciding to consolidate your investments so you have a portfolio rather than a collection of individual investments; or securing a line of credit with the equity in your home to enable you to purchase other investments; or increasing your monthly cost of insurance so your family’s assets are protected while you start a new business; or maybe it is deciding that investing in a vacation with your spouse using a credit card is a good investment in your marriage even though it will then require six months to pay for afterwards.
We are not saying go into debt, max out your credit, or spend and invest frivolously. We are saying become aware of what you want, why and, at the same time, recognize that what you believe is what will eventually become your reality. Then take steps to work with your professional team to implement a plan to experience the best, not sacrifice for the least!! Your financial professional can do much more than simply recommend products and strategies, they can help you implement plans to get you results you didn’t otherwise think were possible – but – you have to first believe there are ways to overcome impossible situations and experience miracles.

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