Here we are again – HO HO HO

Here we are again – HO HO HO… Year end, a time for celebration, reflection and giving. And, along with the giving, some spending money and time with people you love.

It’s easy to get caught up in the busyness and forget priorities. Because so much of the Christmas Season is connected to finance, we thought we would start this month off with a special Fast Action Tip for not only surviving, but also thriving through the holidays making a difference in your life and the lives of others.
Your tip is to slow down. Yep: stop, look, listen. There are many beautiful sights and many beautiful activities. Pay attention to what’s going on around you, the people, the music, the messages, the packages, the hurriedness and the feelings you have as you carry out your everyday activities.
How will this help you survive and thrive, and how do you slow down? Make lists of your activities, your purchases and your priorities each day. That way, you have a road map to start with. Then, at the end of the day, review your lists, add your spending and cross reference your priorities with your time. Now you have a system in place to measure and manage your progress, which are tools used in business. You are carrying out your day-to-day business in a controlled confident manner that will give you a foundation for making decisions that support your true priorities and values.

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