money stress is such a funny thing

You know, money stress is such a funny thing. The only time we hear about it or think about it is in severe circumstances like when someone is getting a divorce, or married or in the case of death. For some reason, it seems socially acceptable to talk about it then. But otherwise, very few people want to admit that they have questions or issues. It’s such a taboo subject – very few people even want to admit that they want to learn. No wonder we have difficulties with financial education.

What is the answer? Well, I think we have at least part of the answer – providing information that is about wealth building on a day-to-day basis by teaching people how to spend money to get wealthy.
In case you haven’t caught on yet – I am not a fan of cutting back spending. There are two sides to the equation – spending and earning – it’s irresponsible to say ‘live within your means – spend less than you make’ without also looking at the other side which is ‘earn more than you spend’. Creating wealth and the infamous ‘quick fix’ seems to be generally accepted, but anything to do with learning day-to-day money or how to handle money stress is very much off limits in the water cooler conversations that happen thousands of times a day.

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