Shifting perspective… 

So much of personal finance discussions are focused around making money and accumulating a large sum for a distant date many call retirement. Along the way, and after this magical date, there is also this focus on making sure there is enough money and that you don’t run out. This accumulation model combined with ‘funnel’ thinking is the perspective that creates the added stress when making any sort of financial decision. There is always this thought process that says something to the effect of ‘will I have enough?’

The secret, of course, is to shift the perspective sideways so the focus is more horizontal. On a day-to-day basis, there are some very practical things you can do to help change your perspective to one of possibilities rather than fear of not having enough. Like what you ask? Quite simply by recognizing that whenever you shift your view, you also shift your perspective.
This means that if you are currently sitting while you are reading this message, if you shift your view to read it from a standing up position, then recognize the power this action has on how you see the information. Whenever you change the temperature, your location, your body language of any sort, you are also shifting your perspective. And, recognizing the impact this has on your energy levels at the time will also help you reinforce the importance of seeing all things from a different perspective – including financial decisions. When you are looking at your finances from a vertical perspective all the time you are inadvertently adding stress to your situation that can be minimized with a simple shift in how you look at things.

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